The Htsin Precision Safety Policy
The product information and drawings you uploaded are confidential. We are only suitable for the production and treatment of the factory, and we will not leak to peers or send it to other product manufacturers. When we fully meet the product treatment, when we return to the background, the drawings will be destroyed immediately.
1. Personal information confidential
To ensure the security contact of customers and our company, do not recover the customer’s personal contact information to others
2.Drawing Safety
Ensure that the drawings are suitable for the processing and use of our company’s products.
articles from the workshop
Latest handyman news
According to product design, once you decide to use CNC to process the product, you should choose the best material, whether it is metal, plastic
We all know that processing is also a cautious work, and we must have a lot of experience in using machines and good technologies.
OEM and ODM are often used in the design and manufacturing industry. ODM and OEM terms describe different production methods.